In class we watched the video on positive psychology by Shawn Achor. I found it to be extremely interesting because I didn’t know that there was so much research being done that proves that being happy before accomplishing a task leads to greater success in the task. I think that this is an idea that everyone can use in their lives, especially teachers. Using the idea of positive psychology in a classroom could lead to greater success from the students. There are several things that I could think of that could lead to students being happy in the classroom. To start from the beginning the teacher should go into the classroom with a positive attitude. If a positive attitude is reflected by the teacher it can also be absorbed by the students.
I think it would also help if the classroom was arranged in a positive way. To go back to the example of when I volunteered in a grade two classroom, and the teacher had the student’s desks arranged in groups, and every week she would change the order of the desks around. This is just one example of how a teacher could create a positive and happy environment in their class. This idea got all the students interacting and working with each other in a positive way.
Another idea I thought about that might work well with younger students, would be to have them create their own “happy place” or think of a memory where they are extremely happy. Then have them think of this place or memory in the morning before the day starts. Just thinking about a positive thing could affect their success.
Overall, I think that creating a positive environment in a classroom is extremely important and can directly relate to the students success.